What does Pinnacle Pup Dog Training do differently than others in your field?
Here at Pinnacle Pup we understand that every dog is different and that people are looking for different results. We tailor each training session with that in mind. The one common thing that people want, however, is a dog that does what is asked with heart and soul. Our training methods ensure that the dog is just as happy about listening as you are!
Which types of animals does Pinnacle Pup Dog Training train?
While we specialize in large working dogs, such as the Rottweiler and German Shepherd, we also have a lot of experience with the smaller toy breeds, such as the Miniature Pinscher and Papillon.
What is your training methodology?
We are known as Balanced Trainers. We tell the dog both when it is right as well as when it is wrong. The System we use is NePoPo®.
What is NePoPo®?
NePoPo® stands for Negative Positive Positive. It is a training system that utilizes benefits of positive only training and avoidance training to make an active dog, who is under verbal control, and who, when corrected, will go out of unwanted behavior into one wanted behavior with heart and soul and no diminishment of motivation.
I like the sound of "positive only training", but what is "avoidance training"?
Negative Reinforcement or Avoidance Training is the removal of small unpleasant feelings to increase the likelihood that a behavior will happen again. An excellent example of this the the dinging automotive manufacturers have added to vehicles to increase the likelihood that you will put on your seat belt. The dinging is the unpleasant feeling and it stops as soon as the seat belt clicks into place.
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